Characteristics Common to Each Class of Hazardous Materials

hazardous properties

In Japan, the Hazardous Materials Handler’s certification exam tests candidates on the common properties of hazardous materials classified into different categories. This knowledge is essential not only for passing the exam but also for implementing proper safety measures in the workplace. This article provides a detailed explanation of the chemical and physical properties common to the six categories of hazardous materials. By understanding this information, you can prepare for the exam and further develop your expertise as a Hazardous Materials Handler. Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics shared by hazardous materials in each category.

Properties of Hazardous Materials

The properties of hazardous materials can be organized into several categories as follows:

Category 1Oxidizing solidsSolidNon-combustibleDoes not burn itself but burns violently when mixed with combustibles
Category 2Combustible solidsSolidCombustibleIgnites at relatively low temperatures; may emit toxic gases
Category 3Spontaneously combustible substances
Water-reactive substances
Partially non-combustible
Ignites spontaneously on contact with air
Ignites or emits flammable gas upon contact with water
Category 4Flammable liquidsLiquidCombustibleIgnores or explodes when mixed with air vapors
Category 5Self-reactive substancesSolid
CombustibleReacts violently or emits heat when heated or shocked
Category 6Oxidizing liquidsLiquidNon-combustibleDoes not burn itself but enhances the combustion of other materials

Each category of hazardous materials includes solids in categories 1 and 2, liquids in categories 4 and 6, and both forms in categories 3 and 5. Understanding this table should sufficiently equip you to tackle related questions.

Sample Exam Questions

Let’s look at some sample questions. Be aware that slight variations may occur, so practice by solving multiple questions to get accustomed to the format.

Sample Question 1

Which of the following statements about the properties of hazardous materials is correct?
(1) All Category 2 hazardous materials are flammable solids.
(2) All Category 3 hazardous materials are spontaneously combustible.
(3) All Category 4 hazardous materials are flammable liquids.
(4) All Category 5 hazardous materials are oxidizing liquids.
(5) All Category 6 hazardous materials are self-reactive substances.

Sample Question 2

Concerning the general properties shared by hazardous materials, which of the following statements is invalid?
(1) Many Category 1 hazardous materials are colorless or white oxidizing solids.
(2) Category 2 hazardous materials can emit toxic gases when burned, and metal powders may ignite or heat upon contact with water or acids.
(3) Category 3 hazardous materials have both spontaneously combustible and water-reactive dangers.
(4) Category 5 hazardous materials can ignite or explode from high combustion rates when heated, shocked, or subjected to friction.
(5) Category 6 hazardous materials are non-combustible but have strong oxidizing powers, many are corrosive, and their vapors are toxic.

Sample Question 3

Regarding the properties shared by hazardous materials, which of the following statements is incorrect?
(1) Many Category 1 hazardous materials decompose upon heating, shock, or friction, easily releasing oxygen to aid the combustion of combustibles.
(2) Finely powdered Category 2 hazardous materials can cause dust explosions in the air in the presence of an ignition source.
(3) Category 3 hazardous materials that are either spontaneously combustible or water-reactive generate heat or flammable gases upon contact with air or water.
(4) Many Category 5 hazardous materials contain oxygen and are self-combustible.
(5) Category 6 hazardous materials often ignite or explode upon heating, shock, or friction.


To pass the Japanese Hazardous Materials Handler’s certification exam, it is crucial to understand the unique properties of hazardous materials categorized by their types. This article has thoroughly explained the basic properties of hazardous materials classified in each category, illustrating how these properties directly relate to safety measures and accident prevention.

We hope that all candidates will use this information to successfully pass the certification exam and contribute to safer workplaces in Japan and beyond.
