This article provides a detailed explanation of “Temporary Storage, Temporary Handling, and Temporary Use,” one of the important themes in the Hazmat Certification Exam. These concepts are not only frequently tested but are also very important in practice. In this article, we will discuss the definitions, legal basis, practical examples, and exam preparation tips for each.
Basic Concepts of Temporary Storage and Temporary Handling
Temporary Storage and Temporary Handling refer to the temporary storage or handling of hazardous materials in quantities above the designated amount for a period not exceeding 10 days, provided approval from the local fire station or fire chief has been obtained. Extensions beyond this period are not permitted. Temporary storage and handling are used to efficiently manage necessary hazardous materials over a short period.
Practical Examples of Temporary Storage and Temporary Handling
Examples include temporary storage of paint or solvents at construction sites and handling fireworks at event venues. In these cases, prior approval from the local fire station or fire chief is required, and the materials must be managed and handled appropriately within a 10-day period.
Basic Concept of Temporary Use
Temporary Use refers to the temporary use of parts or all of a building or facility other than the portion involved in renovation work before the completion inspection. This temporary use requires approval from the municipal mayor or other relevant authority. Temporary use applies when there is a need to use the facility temporarily before official use permission is granted.
Practical Examples of Temporary Use
Examples include using part of a newly constructed factory for trial operations before the completion inspection. In such cases, prior approval from the municipal mayor, etc., is obtained, and safety is confirmed before temporary use.
Handling of Temporary Storage, Handling, and Use in the Hazmat Certification Exam
The Hazmat Certification Exam frequently includes questions about temporary storage, handling, and use. Examinees need to understand the definitions, legal basis, and practical applications of these concepts thoroughly to prepare for the exam.
Exam Preparation Tips
- Understand Definitions: Accurately understand the definitions of temporary storage, handling, and use.
- Know Terminology: Be familiar with easily confused terms such as “fire chief,” “municipal mayor,” “permission,” and “approval.”
Sample Exam Question 1
製造所等以外の場所で指定数量以上の危険物を仮貯蔵、 仮取扱いのできる 場合として、次のうち正しいものはどれか。
(1) 安全な場所であれば、 仮貯蔵、 仮取扱いができる。
(2) 所轄消防長又は消防署長の承認を受ければ、10日以内に限り仮貯蔵、仮取扱いができる。
(3) 指定数量の倍数が10倍以下の危険物は、10日以内であれば、 仮貯蔵、仮取扱いができる。
(4) 所轄消防長又は消防署長の許可を受ければ、 10日以内に限り仮貯蔵、仮取扱いができる。
(5) 指定数量の5倍以下であれば、いつでも市町村長等に届け出れば、 仮貯蔵、仮取扱いができる。
Which of the following is correct regarding the temporary storage and handling of hazardous materials in quantities above the designated amount outside of a manufacturing facility?
(1) Temporary storage and handling are allowed if it is a safe place.
(2) Temporary storage and handling are allowed for up to 10 days with approval from the local fire chief.
(3) Hazardous materials up to 10 times the designated amount can be temporarily stored or handled for up to 10 days.
(4) Temporary storage and handling are allowed for up to 10 days with permission from the local fire chief.
(5) Temporary storage and handling are allowed at any time if reported to the municipal mayor for quantities up to five times the designated amount.
Regarding the temporary storage and handling of hazardous materials, the Fire Services Act permits temporary storage and handling of hazardous materials in quantities above the designated amount for a period not exceeding 10 days, provided approval from the local fire chief has been obtained. Extensions beyond this period are not permitted.
Let’s look at each option in detail:
(1) Incorrect. Approval from the local fire chief is required regardless of whether the place is safe.
(2) Correct. This is accurate information.
(3) Incorrect. Approval from the local fire chief is required regardless of the multiple of the designated amount.
(4) Incorrect. The term “permission” is incorrect. Legally, the term “approval” is used.
(5) Incorrect. Approval from the local fire chief is required regardless of the designated amount, and reporting to the municipal mayor alone is insufficient.
Answer: (2)
Sample Exam Question 2
製造所等の 「仮使用」 の説明について、 次のうち正しいものはどれか。
(1) 仮使用とは、 製造所等の設置工事において、 工事終了部分の機械装置 を完成検査前に試運転することをいう。
(2) 仮使用とは、指定数量以上の危険物を10日以内の期間、 仮に使用することをいう。
(3) 仮使用とは、 製造所等の位置、 構造又は設備を変更する場合に、変更 工事にかかわる部分以外の全部又は一部を、 市町村長等の承認を得て 完成検査前に仮に使用することをいう。
(4) 仮使用とは、指定数量未満の危険物を所轄消防長又は消防署長の承認を得て取り扱うことをいう。
(5) 仮使用とは、 製造所等を変更する場合に、工事が終了した部分を仮に使用することをいう。
Which of the following is correct regarding the explanation of “temporary use” for manufacturing facilities?
(1) Temporary use refers to test operations of machinery and equipment after construction work has been completed but before the final inspection.
(2) Temporary use refers to the temporary use of hazardous materials in quantities above the designated amount for up to 10 days.
(3) Temporary use refers to the temporary use of parts or all of a facility other than the portion involved in renovation work before the final inspection, with approval from the municipal mayor, etc.
(4) Temporary use refers to the handling of hazardous materials below the designated amount with approval from the local fire chief.
(5) Temporary use refers to the temporary use of the completed part of the facility when renovating.
Temporary use refers to the temporary use of parts or all of a facility other than the portion involved in renovation work before the final inspection, with approval from the municipal mayor, etc.
Let’s look at each option in detail:
(1) Incorrect. Temporary use refers to using parts other than the portion involved in renovation work, not test operations of machinery and equipment after construction work.
(2) Incorrect. Temporary use concerns the use of facilities before the final inspection, not the use of hazardous materials.
(3) Correct. This is the accurate definition of temporary use.
(4) Incorrect. Temporary use does not concern the quantity of hazardous materials but relates to the renovation work.
(5) Incorrect. Temporary use refers to using parts other than the portion involved in renovation work, not the completed part of the facility.
Answer: (3)
Temporary storage, handling, and use are important themes frequently appearing in the Hazmat Certification Exam and are also often encountered in practice. It is necessary to correctly understand these concepts and respond appropriately. We hope this content helps deepen your understanding of temporary storage, handling, and use and aids in your exam preparation.