Recommended Reference Books for Hazardous Materials Handler Class 4 Exam

Qual. Exam

If you are self-studying for the Class 4 hazardous materials handler certification exam, choosing the right textbook is crucial. The advantage of self-study is that you can learn at your own pace, but this requires an understandable textbook. Especially for the extensive Class 4 exam, it is important to cover all areas while focusing on key points, so understanding the characteristics of each book is key to success. Recommended textbooks are listed below.

  • “You Can’s Class IV Hazardous Materials Handler Speed Learning Lesson, 5th Edition”
    Pros: Particularly excellent for beginners. The content is easy to understand, with comics and mnemonic devices that help even those with a basic knowledge. It also includes a wealth of practice and exercise questions, making it well-structured for exam preparation.
    Cons: However, this text focuses on basic content, which may not be sufficient for those with some knowledge or those who wish to delve deeper into more advanced topics. It lacks detailed exploration of specific advanced topics.

  • “Class 4 Hazardous Materials Handler Exam 2024 Edition”
    Pros: Updated according to the latest exam trends, reflecting new regulations and legal amendments. For example, it clearly explains new classifications and handling requirements for chemical substances, making important points easy to understand.
    Cons: Although the quality of the content is highly regarded, the volume is substantial compared to similar textbooks. Even with a planned approach, it tends to require more study time.
¥1,870 (2025/02/26 16:12時点 | Amazon調べ)

  • “Selected Problems for the Class 4 Hazardous Materials Exam”
    Pros: Provides detailed explanations on laws and properties of hazardous materials, such as the standards for handling and storage of flammable liquids, explained through specific examples. This allows you to efficiently learn the concrete knowledge required for the exam in a practical manner.
    Cons: This question collection is very informative and contains many detailed explanations, which might feel overwhelming. Especially for beginners with little basic knowledge, it might be best to acquire some knowledge before tackling this collection.
著:鈴木 幸男
¥1,540 (2025/02/23 11:54時点 | Amazon調べ)

  • “Easy Middle School Science”
    For those not confident in the basics of physics and chemistry, it is recommended to start with middle school science. If you encounter difficulties while progressing through hazardous material handler textbooks, revisiting the basics through these textbooks can be a shortcut to understanding.
著:小野田 淳人
¥2,574 (2025/02/23 11:54時点 | Amazon調べ)

Utilize these books and take a solid step toward passing the exam.
